
Why does Goal Setting Fail?
Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal

Why does Goal Setting Fail?

I have a lot of goals and things that I want to achieve. But sometimes I get demotivated or overwhelmed and say that this is too much, and sometimes I say to myself that I have the capability to do and achieve what I want, but I just need to act and execute.

I always dream of being perfect, and I want to do and achieve everything fast, especially since I am now over 30, and I feel that I am already late. This feeling sometimes makes me slow down or even freeze, and then suddenly I wake up and look at myself again to discover that days and even years passed by, and I am still in the same place, and nothing changed. What do you advise me to do?

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This mistake can delay your growth
Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal

This mistake can delay your growth

When we were studying at school or university, the teachers and professors used to test our knowledge and readiness through Exams.

In each subject, we used to pass several exams throughout the year, and based on the results we always knew if we were ready and on the right road, or if we were moving in the wrong direction and if a change is needed.

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First Step towards discovering Your Talent
Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal

First Step towards discovering Your Talent

More than 80 years ago, there was a young girl studying at school. And even though she was eight years old, but her future was already at risk.

Her schoolwork was not good. She was turning in assignments late, and her exam results were bad. Besides all of this, she was disturbing the whole class because of her continuous movement and fidgeting.

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Why Don’t You Feel Happy?
Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal

Why Don’t You Feel Happy?

‘’I am not happy’’. This is a sentence that we hear now frequently from a lot of people around us, and even you, or I said it ourselves in the past. 

People spend their lifetime searching and doing things only to feel happy. Some people succeed in becoming happier and others do not.

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4 Tools to help you become more disciplined and achieve your Goals
Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal

4 Tools to help you become more disciplined and achieve your Goals

A lot of people want to be more disciplined so that they can achieve their dreams and goals. If you want to learn more, work more, be healthier, or do anything else, you need to be more disciplined.

But before we speak about how to be more disciplined, it’s important that you understand the fact that the key to being more disciplined starts with your understanding of how discipline works.

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A Lesson in How People & Companies Succeed Together

A Lesson in How People & Companies Succeed Together

A few weeks ago, I attended an entrepreneurship event where the main speaker was Founder and investor Claude Ritter, the co-Founder of Lieferheld, Book A Tiger, and Cavalry ventures.

Claude gave a fantastic speech. He spoke about his journey and how he built several successful companies. He gave a lot of helping tips to aspiring entrepreneurs such as..

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The Biggest Disease of Mankind
Personal Performance, Career Advice Mohamed Hanbal Personal Performance, Career Advice Mohamed Hanbal

The Biggest Disease of Mankind

Several days ago, I watched a police TV show by coincidence.

In this show, the police caught a 16 years old girl trying to steal money from a lady in the street. When the police asked the girl about the reason why she is trying to steal money-especially since she seemed in good financial condition-she told them that she needs the money to feed herself because her parents were addicted, and they were spending all their money on alcohol.

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3 Things to do to Accelerate Your Way to the Top
Career Advice Mohamed Hanbal Career Advice Mohamed Hanbal

3 Things to do to Accelerate Your Way to the Top

Lots of years ago, during an event, I found myself sitting beside a Chief Supply Chain Officer of one of the major Corporations in the world.  

The funny thing is that several days before the event -when I knew that he was one of the attendees- I was checking his Resume and job history on the internet and I had some questions, and I was hoping to get the chance to speak to him later in the event for some minutes.

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The Easy Hard Things-2 Things you need to Know before Pursuing Success
Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal Personal Performance Mohamed Hanbal

The Easy Hard Things-2 Things you need to Know before Pursuing Success

If you ask any person if he or she wants to be successful, I assume 99.9% of the people will say ‘’Yes’’.

However, after answering and saying ‘’yes’’, the real question that everybody is trying to answer is ‘’How to be successful?’’

And my opinion is, before you start thinking about an answer to this question, you better prepare yourself for the journey of success by understanding and ‘’accepting’’ the two points mentioned in this article.

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Congratulations, You are a Great Performer but you will not Move up-part 2
Career Advice Mohamed Hanbal Career Advice Mohamed Hanbal

Congratulations, You are a Great Performer but you will not Move up-part 2

Several months ago I published an article about the ‘’real’’ factors that affect career progress in most organizations, and I went on to describe that your performance alone will not most probably grant you a higher level position.

And now in this article, I will move further to write about another two points that you should consider to move faster.

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